I've compiled a list of films that I will watch in due time, but I am also looking for suggestions of good films you think I should watch that not on my list. I will, however, disclaim that I am not a fan of horror movies. I have screamed while watching The Sixth Sense with three other friends in my dorm room(it was quite embarrassing).....I don't care to repeat the experience. Other than that, people who reads my blog basically knows my nature....so suggest accordingly. I eagerly await your comments.
My List of Films
1.Bowling for Columbine
2.Brokeback Mountain
6.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
7.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban
8.I Heart Huckabees
9.Il Mare
10.Leon The Professional
11.Love Actually
12.March of Penguins
13.Mean Girls
14.Memoirs of a Geisha
15.Napoleon Dynamite
16.Ocean Waves
17.Ocean’s Twelve
18.Over The Hedge
19.Pride and Prejudice
20.Schindler’s List
21.She’s the Man
23.Thank You for Smoking
24.The Pianist
25.The Royal Tenebaums
26.The Terminal
27.The Lake House
28.The Pink Panther
29.Walk The Line
30.Wallace and Gromit
I don't watch many movies, but I will say Al Franken: God Spoke
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